New Jersey
Ren Parikh is an American entrepreneur, a business strategist, a philanthropist, and a life coach, who has over a two decade of experience in innovative design thinking. He specializes in Research, Education and Networking with a singular focus on creating employment opportunities and imparting innovative entrepreneurship skills to the unskilled; especially the youth of America.
Inspire, motivate & engage people by Walking-the-Talk thus leading toward a life of Good Thoughts, Good Words & Good Deeds.
Build an education system which:
1. Makes people empowered with skills, progressive in thought and sensitive at heart
2. Integrates education, with environmental exposure and work culture that finally leads to professional excellence
3. Promotes hands-on, experiential learning
4.Builds entrepreneurship skills.
***Purpose / Objective
REN Parikh aims at bringing together only the best of global practices, Corporate Thinking and Accountability, the highest standards of Corporate Governance to create a model of sustainable development which is a benchmark in the society and can be replicated at scale.
Inspired by Gandhian philosophy, REN Parikh works with grassroots initiatives
for effecting positive changes in the lives of unemployed youth and people of
America. The objective of REN Parikh is to empower unemployed youth and people
through relevant education, innovative Entrepreneurship and market-focused
livelihood programs.